One of the questions you get asked when you work for Habitat for Humanity is whether the organization hands out free houses. Unfortunately, we do not, but instead we do something better. Habitat for Humanity places people in homes with zero-interest loans, once they have been selected and completed 350-hours of sweat-equity (volunteer) work.
Mortgage payments go back into funding our mission, enabling homeowners to be a part of helping other families reach their dreams. This also allows us to have a long term relationship with the families and see the impact stable homeownership has on future generations. The zero-interest loan gives families the opportunity to access their dreams of homeownership in a way that also empowers them. We don’t give out handouts. We give a hand up.
One in seven people face inadequate housing conditions worldwide. Even though Habitat For Humanity has helped over 22 million people (yes, you read that right, MILLION), the need for affordable housing is greater than what we can provide. We aim to give everyone a decent place to live, but we need help from people like you.